Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Product-Harm Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Product-Harm Crisis - Research Paper Example Product-harm crisis emerges when consumers and the general population publicize the negative effects of a given product in the market (Zhao, Zhao, & Helsen, 2011). Placing a product at the center of product-harm crisis follows the observation that it is either harmful to the consumer, or it fails to meet the required quality and standards of production. In other words, a defective product could spur a highly publicized debate over the underlying negative effects of using the product in question. Once the public becomes engaged in the issue, the affected business enterprise must work towards addressing the problem as well as restoring customer trust. In other instances, a product may not necessarily be defective but a crisis could still occur. Yannopoulu, Koronis, and Elliot (2011) note that product-harm crisis will emerge if the public debates potential product contamination or even reports harm emerging from the consumption or use of a questionable product. In other words, negative publicity is a recipe for product-harm crisis when a given product becomes questionable in terms of quality, standards of production, and the credibility of its benefits to consumers. Following product-harm crisis, voluntary of forced product recalls are highly likely to occur (Vassilikopoulou, Lepetsos, Siomkos, & Chatzipanagiotou, 2009). The affected company could make a proactive move and recall products in question, or the government could force the recall through relevant agencies. Factors and events leading to product-harm crisis are many and different. Both natural and human-driven factors could contribute to product-harm crisis. From a natural point of view, factors beyond the control of the company lead to the occurrence of product-harm crisis. Factors such as floods, earthquakes, mudslides, or volcanic activities are natural events that contribute to product-harm crisis. In essence, the crisis results from the view that the product or products in question fail to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pronoun Usage Essay Example for Free

Pronoun Usage Essay Someone had left their tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This sentence has a problem with pronoun usage in that there is a plural personal possessive pronoun, but someone is a singular pronoun.   Therefore, the sentence contains an error in agreement.   One can fix this error in four different ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first is to correct the error.   Someone had left HIS or HER tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.   This uses a singular personal possessive pronoun of his/her which does agree with the singular someone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another way to correct the sentence is to use a plural subject.   For example, both of my brothers left their tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.   Here, the pronoun BOTH agrees with the pronoun their in that they are both plural.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A third way to fix the error is to remove the pronoun altogether.   The sentence would sound like this:   Someone had left tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.   Of course this one does not imply that the shoes left necessarily belonged to the someone in question.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Finally, one can avoid the confusion with the pronoun someone by using a more obviously singular subject.   For example, a person left his or her tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.   Or, my mother left her tennis shoes in the middle of the floor, or my father left his tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers

The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, tells the story of a woman, Edna Pontellier, who transforms herself from an obedient housewife to a person who, is alive with strength of character and emotions which she no longer has to repress. Playing the role of a wealthy New Orleans housewife, Edna searches for fulfillment in her customary 19th century life, where the Creole society had high expectations of their women. Even with children, a generous husband, and financial stability, Edna finds herself wanting more from life. In the novel, two women friends of Edna, Adele Ratignole and Mademoiselle Reitz signify her awakening and the consequences of her new found self. 	Edna was attracted to both women for their prospective connection to the two existences within which Edna struggles to find herself. Adele Ratignolle is Edna's close friend and confidante, but the two women are nothing alike. Adele is the perfect housewife and mother; she is the epitome of what a Creole woman and mother ought to be. She lives her life for her children, always being sure that they are properly cared for, clothed, and educated. Unlike Adele whose life is fulfilled through loving and caring for her children, Edna is "fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way" (Chopin, p. 18). They are not enough to justify her life. Adele could not understand how Edna could say that she "would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for anyone" (Chopin, p. 47). Edna's being is ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Malcolm X Essay -- essays research papers fc

Malcolm X   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being an African American in the United States during the civil rights movement was one of toughest times to live through. The African American felt as if they were treated as non-humans being sent to the United States as slaves, being deprived of their education, forced to live in separate segregated areas, and given the careers that were the lowest paying jobs. They also had no political rights or legal protection. After the North had fought for the African American population to gain freedom from slavery, they were abandoned and were forced to fight for themselves. The Blacks were then left with much ambivalence in regard on how they would go about achieving civil rights. During this time was when a man named, Malcolm X, stood up for what he believed in and is now one of America’s greatest civil right leaders in history still today. On May 19, 1925 Malcolm Little was born in a small Midwest town called Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up in a family of eight children with his mother, Louis Norton Little, who was a homemaker and his father, Earl Little, who was a Baptist minister and supporter of Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. Earl’s active part in with the civil rights provoked death threats from the white organization Black Legion, forcing the Little family to relocate. At this time Malcolm experienced friction between his parents and the child abuse of his older siblings by his mother. Despite this hostility, the family lived well in a good part of Michigan. Then one night, after a fight Rev. Little went out to take a walk, Malcolm and family were awaken by the terrible news of their father’s death. This simple act of racism drastically affected the lifestyle of the Little family, and a large insurance policy which Rev. Little signed for, refused to pay leaving the family with hardly anything. W ith only unskilled jobs to support the nine-person family, Malcolm’s mother began receiving welfare checks. With this came the deterioration of her pride and eventual mental breakdown and she was then admitted to a mental institution. Soon the family fell into poverty and could not feed themselves. After much struggle, the welfare agency split the family among various foster homes and orphanages. Malcolm was anxious to meet new friends but he found that he did not fit in with the upper-middle-class boys and girls so he g... ...the murder of Malcolm X had ties back to the Nation Of Islam and they were sentenced to life in prison. Malcolm’s death created many mixed feelings amongst the people of the world. However the influence of Malcolm X did not end with his death. Some Black activists started campaigning â€Å" Black Power† instead of the traditional anthem, â€Å"We Shall Overcome.† The actions from the African Americans started following more of Malcolm’s teachings and beliefs after his death and they eventually did not have to ask for white acceptance, and held power to create a better society for themselves. In fact many today are still learning about how he became an important figure in history. Malcolm X became a hero for black people everywhere because he was one who spoke out with controversial ideas without fear or compromise. Malcolm’s actions made him one of the most memorable leaders in our history today. Works Cited  © 1999 TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY BOOKS Ohio The African American Almanac, 7th ed., Gale, 1997. Malcolm X Talks TO Young People betty shabazz &pth

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Narrative of Frederick Douglass

The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass, titled â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†, utilizes five key literary devices in order to better convey Douglass's journey from enslavement to freedom. This includes the use of Imagery, diction, first person point of view, specific details, and allusion. Each of these is used to help convey the experiences of slavery, as well as the joys and fears of being a freed slave. The use of Imagery throughout the narrative engrosses the reader and provides him with a better sense of the ideas and experiences of Douglass.An example of these is when Douglass looked out onto the Chesapeake bay, at which point he saw several ships with white sails. These struck him profoundly, acting as a beacon of light in the midst of his dark circumstances. These white sails seemed to be an idea of hope and freedom, the thought that one day he too could be like the ships, with nothing but the wind to guide him. Another example of Imagery is when D ouglass first receives Sandy's â€Å"Magical† root.This was supposed to protect Douglass from further beatings by his slave masters, an idea that he easily discarded. In doing this, Douglass shows his difference from the other uneducated slaves, with the root making a distinction between how the educated and uneducated believe things occur. Still, Douglass did keep the root as a sort of last resort, an action that seems to show just how desperate Douglass was to ward off his abuse. The use of Diction throughout the story helps the reader to get a better sense of the mindset of Douglass.One example of this is when Douglass was sent to work with Mr. William Gardner. Here, he described his change in ownership as being â€Å"Hired† out, almost as if he were an employee of his master, instead of being lent or borrowed. Douglass didn't see this as abnormal, someone telling him who to work for without any regard for his own preference. Another example of word choice is when h e describes is mistress as being a â€Å"Kind and Tender-hearted woman†, a description that leads the reader to imagine almost a mother, someone who cared for others.He could have simply called her a â€Å"just† or â€Å"fair† woman, but instead he described her as motherly. Finally, when Douglass was describing his life constantly moving from owner to owner, he spoke on the fact that he truly did not have a home. In Douglass's case, â€Å"The ties that ordinarily bind their children to their homes were all suspended. † He truly did not have a place to call home, but this was almost a sort of freedom for him. He described the sense of home as â€Å"binding†, instead of â€Å"welcoming†.In doing so, he truly shows that he did not understand the idea of belonging to a home or group, but instead being a nomad. It does not feel as though a home â€Å"binds† a child to it, but instead its a safe haven, somewhere that you can feel safe. By recounting the story in a first-person point of view, Douglass better conveys his story to the reader. In telling the story in such a way, Douglass appeals to the emotions of his reader, even their humanity, in an effort to show them just how abusive the situation of a slave holder is.He does so in order to show both the effects of abuse on the slave and the owner himself. A story told in the third person can be percieved as detached, something that does not truly exist. But, by telling it from the perspective of one who actually endured the abuses, Douglass was able to make the story more credible and even make the reader think that such circumstances could happen to themselves. In telling the story in the first person, Douglass achieves his goal of appealing to the audience's humanity.No longer could they simply remain ignorant to the plight of a slave living in the south, but instead they now had to actually acknowledge the fact that they knew what was happening, and either act o n this knowledge, or ignore it. The constant use of specific details in the autobiography gives the tale credibility and engrosses the reader. An early, but important, example of a specific detail occurs in chapter 7. Here, Douglass is detailing his dire situation. He wishes to expand his intelligence, but then is unable to begin doing so because of his status as a slave.When Captain Anthony died, Douglass's hatred of slavery was even more apparent, when he was â€Å"to be valued with the other property† as though he were an item, not a person. In doing this, Frederick was perceived by his owner's heirs to be nothing more than a piece of property to be decided upon, not a person with hopes and dreams. Later in the tale, Douglass describes Mr. Hopkins, who's â€Å"Chief boast was his ability to manage slaves. † Hopkins was a cruel man, the poster child of slave handlers, and would enjoy beating and abusing his slaves.In describing his living conditions in prison, he des cribed it as â€Å"Much more comfortable†¦ than we expected†¦ Did not get much to eat, nor which was very good, but we had a clean room. † In doing this, Douglass provides the reader with an idea of just how bad their lives were as slaves, when even a prison cell seemed to be a comfortable and clean set of living conditions. Finally, Douglass refrained from using any real in-depth details when recounting his actual escape from slavery to freedom.He did this because he did not want slave owners to be able to use any of his methods against slaves themselves, which would endanger both abolitionists and slaves alike. Finally, the use of Allusion throughout the tale helps to show the great conflict of being free but a fugitive. Douglass compared his decision to that of Patrick Henry in deciding whether or pursue his own freedom or to remain a slave. Henry's decision for â€Å"Liberty or Death† was an easy one, Douglass claims, as it was certain liberty or death.In Douglass's case, however, the liberty was extremely uncertain, with even after him having escaped the possibility of being returned as a fugitive slave remained. Douglass also compares himself to an â€Å"Unarmed Mariner [rescued]†¦ From the pursuit of a Pirate† when describing his joy at obtaining freedom from slavery. Douglass also recalled the words of Thomas Jefferson, who despite being a slave owner, wrote that its practice was a â€Å"War against human nature itself. † Finally, Douglass alludes to the story of Daniel in the bible, who had been thrown into a lion's den but escaped unharmed through the help of God.This situation seems similar to the one Douglass found himself in, with his extraordinary luck allowing him to survive something that most men did not. Frederick Douglass used five literary devices in his narrative in order to better convey his story to the audience. His use of Imagery, Diction, First Person, specific details, and allusion causes th e story to be not only more realistic, but also more believable, by the audience. In doing so, he was better able to achieve his goal of conveying his story of slavery and freedom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Critical Action Learning Report Essay Sample

Critical Action Learning Report Essay Sample Critical Action Learning Report Essay Sample Critical Action Learning Report Essay Sample Increased consideration is being directed on the value of critical approaches to promote leadership and management growth. This report details how CAL perspectives can be applied to provide valuable learning and growth by way of critically reflective activities. CAL models do not only explore primary power and control problems but also actively incorporate tests of political as well as cultural activities influencing company life. These perspectives allow progression above instrumental ways to value complexity of management and leadership development. The aim of this paper is to explore importance of CAL in problem identification, assessment and development of solutions along with determining criteria applied in the process, challenges encountered and the nature of outcomes. Role of Critical Action Learning Critical Action Learning attempts to demonstrate the role management power interactions play in action learning. As such, the emphasis of Critical Action Learning is diversified to among others, enlighten of individual learner and ways in which learning is encouraged, avoided and prevented within groups and in companies through power relation. According to Stacy (2011), CAL is a model commonly used in numerous leadership and management growth activities. Action learning is a diversified activity that has been applied to explain numerous approaches. In practice, CAL is based on the fact that learning is an activity that can develop when individuals or groups are assisted to reflect on perceptions and actions taken when dealing with real company issues. According to Volberda and Lewin (2003), action learning is a model of developing individuals in companies which takes the activity as a vehicle for learning. It is based on the assumption that there is no learning that can occur without action and that there cannot be a good and deliberate activity without learning. He infers that the method can only be accomplished on integration of several commodities. Such commodities include people who take responsibility for action on a given issue or challenge and problems that they face (Watson, Buckley Mills, 2011). They also include a group of individuals to challenge themselves in order to enhance development on a particular issue. Workplace Problem Identification The research touched on a problem in which the CEO of an organization where I work could not deal with various complexities that were emerging within the workplace. The CEO could take time before making decisions on any issue that affected the company and led the company to lag behind within the industry. According to (Volberda and Lewin, 2003), CEOs and other managers of organizations have a central responsibility in developing learning models to be used by employees and management in order to keep the organization on toes to any emerging affair that may affect the organization. Furthermore, a manager who is not adaptive to various aspects that influence operations of an organization can translate to a big blow on the general activities in terms of productivity, sales and ultimately, profitability. Such was the case with our company. Since the company owners could not allow activities to flow the way they were supposed meant that something had to be done. It was through these issues there was a need to come up with solutions by exploring other possible business structures that could offer advantages of quick reaction to all departments of the company. Steps Taken to Assess and Address Workplace Issues The major model that was dealt with in this case was Complex Adaptive System (CAS). For the last 3 decades, the speed with which business cycle is done has increased dramatically. There are significant changes that are taking place faster than the past product cycles while markets have turned out to be nearly unpredictable such that traditional management paradigms are not capable of maintaining a stable rate (Joiner Josephs, 2006). At our company, this had been a notable issue in that transforming from traditional to modern organizational management styles, which are currently applied in our company, was quite slow. CAS was suggested and proved to help the management solve the problems that it was facing. In this case an organization is reviewed as an adaptive system that should match to complexities of its surrounding. In this organization, employees complained about difficulties of coordination between departments and, consequently, several other activities of the company. Anderson (1999), infers that this kind of workplace problem may sometimes emerge after an organization starts its operation or when executing a strategy because is caused by changes in technology and other managerial aspects in the workplace. The CEO has to be keen in order to incorporate such challenges into the organization culture since not all of these challenges can be eliminated. Maguire and colleagues (2006), recognized that a choice has to be made between maintaining the norm of complexity reduction and adopting an appropriate mechanism for current issue of several competitors. These policies are examined coupled with their merits and demerits to determine the most appropriate and convenient way in arriving at timely decisions to solve such workplace problems. The problem was also identified under the premises that in any organization customers are taken to be the pillars of the company success. Stacy (2011), recognizes that decline in customer base is a clear indication of a firm’s negative growth. This major problem was accomplished by some other minor issues which can be routed from customer dissatisfaction such as reduced returns due to disloyal customers diverting to competitor’s products and services. In order to deal with such a problem in the workplace, Anderson (1999), recognizes two modes of adaptation to such complex environment namely; complexity absorption and complexity reduction (Simon, 1962). He notes that complexity absorption creates choices and risk controlling techniques through alliances. Most importantly, complexity reduction advances directly after it has been comprehended. Simon (1962), recognizes that there is other organizational information space, also referred to as I-Space approach to the two models mention above. The approach includes abstraction, codification and diffusion of information as an attribute of organizational culture. Abstraction refers to reduction in the total amount of data to be assigned for particular phenomenon (Boulding, 1956). Codification, on the other hand, entails giving form to a particular phenomenon by assigning its data. Lastly, a diffusion aspect occurs when information is spread through population of data dispensation agents. Simon (1962), recognizes the strength and structure of algorithmic information complexity in a manner that equates its levels of abstraction and codification. Fabric of information diffusion is only realized through identification of system sections and richness of cross coupling (Maguire, McKelvey, Mirabeau Oztas, 2006). Role of Literature in Informing the Process Literature played a huge role in informing the whole process of problem identification, Assessment, evaluation and formulation of solutions. Volberda and Lewin (2003), proposed that analysis and its practical application can be used to enable CEO make quick and rational decisions that will consequently enhance timely and appropriate response to consumer complaint and, thus, retain them in the organization. Gone are the days when little number of competitors in the market, hence, organizations operating in current environment have to adapt a system of timely and right decision making. The CEO will, therefore, have to incorporate any or the four approaches with the right mode of complex theorist mentioned in the previous paragraph. Another issue concerned poor planning and strategy development methods in the workplace applied by the CEO. With this problem, there is a vital need for a holistic paradigm to run and ensure consistency in responsibility of changing and complex environment for community, business, and individuals. According to Highsmith (2013), when future research is joined with workplace theory, there can be increased comprehension of complex and dynamic nature of a workplace. This investigation contributes to knowledge by showing the way future studies can assist the CEO think, plan, and act creatively to offer better workplace strategies. The model also offers another contribution to knowledge and growth of future oriented framework which can be applied in the workplace to show how the CEO can use future studies in such situation. Anderson (1999), recognizes that the workplace today is different from the past and that it will keep on changing. . The change is attributed to not only external force s like economic, societal, demographic, technological and environmental but also the internal institutional trends and real estate industry change. Role of Dialogue and Activities Dialogue and activities throughout the module played a huge role in informing the whole process. Major lessons learned through conversations and practice engagement enhanced corrective steps to be followed. Watching videos and reading literature including class conversations enhanced the entire process. In his video, West (2011), recognizes that the workplace of yesterday has been replaced by the networked office, which seems to be the best concept for a company in changing and complex environment of today. According to Maguire (2006), there are other alternative space concepts that can be incorporated in the networked office such as distributed, sustainable and collaborative workplace. Therefore, for our and other similar CEOs and managers, Stacy (2011), recognizes that the same office will be there in future but it will have changed in that the city and virtual environments will be the order of the day. When such managers embrace the futures theory, it will be easy to adapt to the ever changing complexities in the workplace environment. There are various approaches and models that deal with complex adaptive systems (Narendra Annaswamy, 2012). Depending on the situation to be addressed, the use of the right theory or model can prove essential in assisting managers comfortably adapt to changes that occurs in organizational dynamics and complexities. Dialogue and module activities also informed of another approach to critical action learning that is collaboration and engagement. Maguire et al. (2006), highlighted that critical action should be perceived as a group process for personal problem solving and at the same time, a collective process in a particular context for inquiring into real organizational projects and actions. Underpinned in critical action learning should be learning groups and society that are fundamental in creating collaborative relationship. They also assist in providing adequate chances to develop skills necessary for working in partnerships, associations and cross organizational boundaries. Uniqueness of collaborative relationship is that it offers a means for self-governance, shared decision making and problem solving which enable individuals to possess and be accountable for their actions (McKelvey, 2002). Developing Solutions Solutions were developed after keen reference to literature and module activities. Referring to the company of interest, Highsmith (2013), proposed that the management should allow employees to contribute in strategic discussion. Being engaged in decision making process, within their organizations, employees feel the urge of responsibility for their actions since they know that they are decision makers. Even if they may not be punished in case of failure of action that they proposed, they tend to feel directly accountable to the decisions adopted in which they had played a role in their adoption and implementation. Therefore, the CEO was advised to emphasize on patterns of communication and encourage a culture that promotes collaboration and sharing within the organization departments. Knowles and Gilbourne (2004), further the collaborative and engagement approach and says that it enhances open and iterative nature of learning. Critical learning societies offer a platform where comparatively intellectual ideas can be discussed and applied (Knowles Gilbourne, 2004). She exemplifies the manner in which politics and organizing associate in the context of open platform and experimentation by examining the notion of engaging insights (Volberda Lewin, 2003). According to Senge (1990), collaborative insights offer a synergy with significant learning since both the management and employees can interact about important for the organization matters and come up with practical way of solving issues in question. Another vital approach in critical action learning is a concept of creation of an open environment identified by Highsmith (2013). The concept entails ability to deal with unexpected circumstances. When the organization operates on flexible procedures such that it can shift to effective terms of operation when they occur; probably because they did not exist, the company is bound to overcome numerous challenges compared to a company which operates in closed environment. Stacy (2011), describes an open environment as that which runs on a broad vision of going for nothing but the best. This implies that even the employees have freedom to bring on board any suggestions which they think may increase organizational productivity, sales and ultimately profits (Highsmith, 2013). Moreover, such organization operates in a transparent environment where communication is not restricted to any specific direction. Management of the company was advised to adopt an open environment management to overc ome the workplace problems it was experiencing (Beach, Bird Gibbs, 1987). The company was able to develop a vibrant physical as well as virtual environment that creates transparency and openness apart from investing in communication systems. According to William (2007), the way communication is done matters more than the subject of communication itself. The organization succeeded in adapting to unexpected occurrences by abandoning narrow communication paths that do not achieve communicating expected information and set up unstructured, open communication paths like open space events that enable an open exchange for knowledge and ideas. Plan for Action In professional practice, one should be able to develop skills in problem solving and effective decision making. In the case, it is clear that critical reflection and change are central features of complex problem solving. Preparing for professional practice will need me to have the idea of reflection, especially on experience that is vital to the theories of learning which have come in handy to inform action leaning practice. Anderson (1996), argues that reflection enhances depth and relevance of organizational learning to deal with emergence of self-insight and development to enhance transferable ideal of reflective practitioner. I will also need to engage in effective conversations and dialogue in order to enhance company learning and change. I will also need to understand that critical reflection is not only about problem solving but includes comprehending the whole organization or individual as mediated through experience. I have also realized that there is a connection between how an individual manages his personal life and how he manages an organization. Such realizations will assist me to be a change agent within my organization. In conclusion, it is evident that the sense of reflection should be part of an action plan. The CEO natural life is that of slow but sure. He likes doing his activities without haste and with great meticulousness. This character shows how he involuntarily fined himself running the company. Before, he was a slow decision maker as he took his time pondering on consequences of his actions. However, considering the fact that the organization is surrounded by numerous competitors, any delay in appropriate action may result into loss of business and reduced margins. Thus, his slow character ought to be improved by the appropriate critical learning approach. Critical reflection into experiences within and outside the organization will play a huge role in enhancing formulating solutions to the problem. Solving complex problems within an organization requires a complex approach as well.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Faience - The Worlds First High Tech Ceramic

Faience - The Worlds First High Tech Ceramic The term faience comes from a kind of brightly-colored glazed earthenware developed during the Renaissance in France and Italy. The word is derived from Faenza, a town in Italy, where factories making the tin-glazed earthenware called majolica (also spelled maiolica) were prevalent. Majolica itself derived from North African Islamic tradition ceramics  and is thought to have developed, oddly enough, from the region of Mesopotamia in the 9th century AD. Faience-glazed tiles decorate many buildings of the middle ages, including those of the Islamic civilization, such as the Bibi Jawindi tomb in Pakistan, built in the 15th century AD, or the Timuid dynasty (1370-1526) Shah-i-Zinda necropolis in Uzbekistan, which you can see if you click on the hippo illustration. Ancient Faience Ancient or Egyptian faience, on the other hand, is a completely manufactured material created perhaps to imitate the bright colors and gloss of hard-to-get gems and precious stones. Called the first high-tech ceramic, faience is a siliceous vitrified and glost ceramic, made of a body of fine ground quartz or sand, coated with an alkaline-lime-silica glaze. It was used in jewelry throughout Egypt and the Near East beginning about 3500 BC. Forms of faience are found throughout the Bronze Age Mediterranean, and faience objects have been recovered from archaeological sites of the Indus, Mesopotamian, Minoan, and Egyptian civilizations. Scholars suggest  but are not completely united that faience was invented in Mesopotamia in the late 5th millennium BC and then imported to Egypt. Evidence for the 4th millennium BC production of faience has been found at the Mesopotamian sites of Hamoukar and Tell Brak. Faience objects have also been discovered at predynastic Badarian (5000-3900 BC) sites in Egypt. Matin (2014) has argued that mixing cattle dung (commonly used for fuel), copper scale resulting from copper smelting, and calcium carbonate creates a shiny blue glaze coating on objects  and may have resulted in the invention of faience and associated glazes during the Chalcolithic period.    Faience was an important trade item during the Bronze Age; the Uluburun shipwreck of 1300 BC had over 75,000 faience beads in its cargo. Faience continued as a production method throughout the Roman period into the first century BC. Ancient Faience Manufacturing Practices Types of objects formed out of ancient faience include amulets, beads, rings, scarabs, and even some bowls. Faience is considered one of the earliest forms of glass making. Recent investigations of Egyptian faience technology indicate that recipes changed over time and from place to place. Some of the changes involved using soda-rich plant ashes as flux additivesflux helps the materials fuse together at high-temperature heating. Basically, component materials in glass melt at different temperatures, and to get faience to hang together you need to moderate the melting points. However, Rehren has argued that the differences in glasses (including but not limited to faience) may have to do more with the specific mechanical processes used to create them, rather than varying specific admixture of plant products. The original colors of faience were created by adding copper (to get a turquoise color) or manganese (to get black). Around the beginning of glass production, about 1500 BC, additional colors were created including cobalt blue, manganese purple, and lead antimonate yellow. Glazing Faience Three different techniques for producing faiences glazes have been identified to date: application, efflorescence, and cementation. In the application method, the potter applies a thick slurry of water and glazing ingredients (glass, quartz, colorant, flux and lime) to an object, such as a tile or pot. The slurry can be poured or painted on the object, and it is recognized by the presence of brush marks, drips, and irregularities in thickness. The efflorescence method involves grinding quartz or sand crystals and mixing them with various levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and/or copper oxide. This mixture is formed into shapes such as beads or amulets, and then the shapes are exposed to heat. During heating, the formed shapes create their own glazes, essentially a thin hard layer of various bright colors, depending on the particular recipe. These objects are identified by stand marks where the pieces were placed during the drying process and variations in glaze thickness. The cementation method or Qom technique (named after the city in Iran where the method is still used), involves forming the object and burying it in a glazing mixture consisting of alkalis, copper compounds, calcium oxide or hydroxide, quartz, and charcoal. The object and glazing mixture are fired at ~1000 degrees Centigrade, and a glaze layer forms on the surface. After firing, the left-over mixture is crumbled away. This method leaves a uniform glass thickness, but it is only appropriate for small objects such as beads. Replication experiments reported in 2012 (Matin and Matin) reproduced the cementation method, and identified calcium hydroxide, potassium nitrate, and alkali chlorides are essential pieces of the Qom method. Sources Charrià ©-Duhaut A, Connan J, Rouquette N, Adam P, Barbotin C, de Rozià ¨res M-F, Tchapla A, and Albrecht P. 2007.  The canopic jars of Rameses II: real use revealed by molecular study of organic residues.  Journal of Archaeological Science  34:957-967. De Ferri L, Bersani D, Lorenzi A, Lottici PP, Vezzalini G, and Simon G. 2012.  Structural and vibrational characterization of  medieval like  glass samples.  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids  358(4):814-819. Matin M. 2014.  An Experimental Investigation into the Accidental Invention of Ceramic Glazes.  Archaeometry  56(4):591-600. doi:10.1111/arcm.12039 Matin M, and Matin M. 2012.  Egyptian faience glazing by the cementation method part 1: an investigation of the glazing powder composition and glazing mechanism.  Journal of Archaeological Science  39(3):763-776. Olin JS, Blackman MJ, Mitchem JE, and Waselkov GA. 2002.  Compositional Analysis of Glazed Earthenwares from Eighteenth-Century Sites on the Northern Gulf Coast.  Historical Archaeology  36(1):79-96. Rehren T. 2008.  A review of factors affecting the composition of early Egyptian glasses and faience: alkali and alkali earth oxides.  Journal of Archaeological Science  35(5):1345-1354. Shortland A, Schachner L, Freestone I, and Tite M. 2006.  Natron as a flux in the early vitreous materials industry: sources, beginnings and reasons for decline.  Journal of Archaeological Science  33(4):521-530. Tite MS, Manti P, and Shortland AJ. 2007.  A technological study of ancient faience from Egypt.  Journal of Archaeological Science  34:1568-1583. Tite MS, Shortland A, Maniatis Y, Kavoussanaki D, and Harris SA. 2006.  The composition of the soda-rich and mixed alkali plant ashes used in the production of glass.  Journal of Archaeological Science  33:1284-1292. Walthall JA. 1991. Faience in French colonial Illinois.  Historical Archaeology  25(1):80-105. Waselkov GA, and Walthall JA. 2002. Faience Styles in French Colonial North America: A Revised Classification.  Historical Archaeology  36(1):62-78.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Audrey essays

Audrey essays Title:''Life Is One Big Long Catwalk''. Madame Toastmaster , Madame Topicsmaster and fellow students. ''Life Is One Big Long Catwalk''. As endorsed by the Clarks' Footwear advertisements , this line has become synonymous with modern society , in a world ruled predominantly by image. In my speech to - day I would like to discuss the ambivalent nature of image and beauty in society , as well as providing an insight into a great idol of mine who possessed this ambivalence throughout her life and career - Audrey Hepburn. I don't think that anybody could doubt it , you or I , beauty is a virtue. It always has been , as far back as the time of Venus , the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. But it seems like to - day only physical beauty is taken into account. This type of beauty is a matter of chance. In fact it is amatter of fate whether you turn out to be physically beautiful or not. This type of beauty is impure , doesn't come from the heart. And who are we to try and describe what exactly physical beauty is? Everybody has different facial features , different shapes and sizes and diferent statures. It is all a matter of preference and taste. There is excrutiating pressure being applied on both sexes nowadays to look good and to conform to the media's idea of beauty. Every week of the year we see emaciated models walk the catwalk , wasted away by their starvation and malnourishment , yet snapped up by the paparazzi and considered ''beautiful''. The role of image , branding and beauty is obviously a huge talking point in modern society , as my sister managed to do a 20 page thesis on this Topic for her degree in Graphic Design. And besides , most of us do feel beaut...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Explain the key features of post Communist ,Trasformation' since Essay

Explain the key features of post Communist ,Trasformation' since 1989.Compare and contrast the experience of two or more countries as examples - Essay Example 5) as â€Å"the prison of nations†. With their new found independence, the former communist countries have become free to change the course of their own development, highly expectant of the promised prosperity by the West which confidently proclaimed this event as the triumph of capitalism over socialism. However, this unusual landmark in world history has likewise proven difficult to handle, much more to define its development. As McFaul and Stoner-Weiss (2004, p. 3) described: â€Å"the post-Soviet world has gone through the twist and turns of tumultuous political, economic, and social change.† As â€Å"one of the defining features of the second half of the twentieth century† (Edwards 1999, p. vii), understanding this crucial event becomes imperative not only in terms of socio-economic historical development but even in terms of human resource management, especially so that the fallen communist bloc had hundreds of millions of subjects (Rose 2009). Perhaps, characterising this historical period is a good start. As such, this essay seeks to explore the key features of post-communist transformation since 1989, understanding these by comparing and contrasting Poland and Bulgaria’s transformations. This will be achieved through a review of relevant literatures and studies. Ultimately, it is also hoped that this study will provide lessons useful for human resource management. Rose (2009) correctly stated: â€Å"The collapse of the Berlin Wall was an event, while transformation and its aftermath is a process of learning.† Similarly, understanding the key features of post-communist transformation since 1989 is a learning process. The collapse of communism has triggered widespread debate, speculations, assumptions and the like, bringing forth various studies, write-ups and researches. The high interest in understanding this unexpected event

Friday, October 18, 2019

Deontological Ethics Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deontological Ethics Case Study - Essay Example Company officials failed to map out civilian farms to be avoided despite the US Congress approving the discriminate use of harmful herbicides in the region (Lawson, 2001). As a result, approximately 10,000 natives of the region suffered from severe health complication. In addition, an immense loss of livestock and agricultural produce occurred. Dyncorp faced further disgrace in 2005 when allegations made by a whistleblower named Ben Johnston surfaced. He claimed that Dyncorp soldiers engaged in inhumane acts of trafficking, forceful prostitution with minors when on contract in Bosnia (Dowbenko, 2002). Deontological implications of the ethical problem A quick glance into the background of PMCs operating within the US indicates that these companies generate billions in their annual revenues; for example, Dyncorp’s revenues are about 3 billion yet it is a medium-sized company in this field (Dyncorp, 2012). Governments rely on the protection and military services offered by these firms when the country’s army has been deployed to attend to other pressing matters (Dyncorp, 2012). The running of these companies remains independent from the government because the stakeholders are private entities. The deontological implications of the ethical problem posed by Dyncorp revolve around the duty of the company to their clients and the people living within the affected region. Dyncorp’s duty to the government involved the company ensuring that the curtailing of drug production through the destruction of drug plantations (Dowbenko, 2007). Nonetheless, the company had a moral obligation to the inhabitants of the region to differentiate the drug plantations from the crop plantations. Disregarding their duty to the inhabitants of the region proves to be unethical and is an indication of poor corporate social responsibility policies (Lawson, 2001). Dyncorp disregarded the safety of human life led to the indiscriminate application of herbicides within the reg ion, therefore, defying different deontological principles (Dowbenko, 2002). The company’s incompetent actions fail to meet the standard set by the categorical imperative principle posited by Immanuel Kant (Stanford, 2007). The categorical imperative advances that an action or decision made ought to be universal in nature, meaning, it can be applied in similar circumstances because it qualifies as a universal rule or law. Negligent behavior is also wrong because it pays little regard to the concept of duty or moral obligation, which is the core concept of deontology ethics (Stanford, 2007). In addition, the company’s involvement in inhumane acts against underage children, in Bosnia, shows failure of the company to adhere to their moral obligations to their duties. a) Resolution of the problem; b)do you agree with the resolutions; c) Whether the problem was resolved consistent with the principles of deontological ethics Resolution of the problem involved efforts made by both the government and the company’s managerial board. The government imposed limitations on the jurisdiction of Dyncorp when serving in the capacity of hired soldiers when operating in foreign lands. The government also cautioned company officials to avoid negligent behavior when carrying out their services (Dowbenko, 2002). The US Department of Defense in 2005 drafted a proposal, which prohibited the involvement of military contractors in human trafficking, forced labor and prostitution (Dowbenko,

Homeland Security Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Homeland Security - Case Study Example The actions of this department are what are amalgamated into the term Homeland security. The main focus of this formation is to deal with issues of the domestic population, building the necessary infrastructure to deal with both internal and the external aggressions and threats, sovereignty and the protection of the U.S territory. Inside the United States of America, the â€Å"Homeland Security† concept recombines and extends to the state agencies’ entities and responsibilities. The Homeland security research lays down the composition and formation of the Homeland Defense and the Homeland Security. These include the Transportation Security Administration, the Secret Service of the United States, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Americas Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Border and Customs Protection and the United States Coast Guard. Others Include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the United States National Guard, among other departments adding up to one hundred and eighty-seven companies. The functions of the Homeland security are a major responsibility of the state (Berman & Flint, 2003). There have been several issues that affect the United States of America and that the Department Of Homeland Security has been grappling to deal with over years and presently. These issues include terror attack threats, immigration, capabilities, resource allocation, civil liberties, incident response, transportation security, intelligence, biotechnology, cyber security, infrastructure, funding allocation, border control among other issues. This paper will focus on cyber security threat that has been a challenge to the United States of America’s Homeland security. Cyber threats have been a challenge, both in past and present, to the United States. The policy makers and the Department of Homeland Security have been working hard to deal with issues relating to cyber security. The fight has been backed up by the use of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare and contrast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare and contrast - Assignment Example A recent study demonstrates that Latin American countries are lagging behind many of the world’s education system, as most students are unable to receive a higher education. In fact, only one in three students manage to receive a secondary school education, with many countries in developing nations such as Ecuador struggling to maintain funding for secondary teachers and schools. Another major problem is the high level of students who repeat a grade or who drop out of school before completing sixth grade. Rural areas face the challenge of many students having to work during harvesting season, further taking them away from school. However, it was stressed that the real problem for the region is not access to education, rather its poor quality. While the United States faces many deficiencies in education, including high drop-out rates in low income areas and relatively poor teacher quality, the base test scores indicate that the United States outscores most Hispanic countries. Yet, the similarities aren’t as striking as one might imagine, particularly when considering the structure of the systems. For instance, both share a similar University and Community College structure. The majority of Latin American countries also provide free and mandated primary and secondary education for all

Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short answers - Essay Example Large number of missionaries went abroad. Politics: Public had been constantly supporting several things which included Cuban Rebels and working against Spain. 2. Briefly discuss the major problems of American society that concerned the social justice progressives and explain how they tried to confront these issues. Also, what was the one thing that the Progressives lacked in their vision? Answer: The problems of the American Society which had concerned the progressives were the distribution of wealth and racism. When the American economy was transforming from agrarian society to urban society, the natives were at the top being rich while all the poor people were at the bottom including dark skinned people. The progressives had taken the responsibility to improve the society and remove all the vices which had been embodied in the society due to freedom of expression of the American economy. The progressives addressed the issues of prostitution, Alcohol, abortion and child labor, howe ver, they ignored basic issues which caused more trouble namely finance problems, foreign policy and racism. Progressives ignored the issues regarding the country and showed interest in societal problem due to which other parties became upper hand, due to which, the progressives failed. Progressives lacked vision. 3. Discuss the reasons the United States government announced a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of the war in Europe in 1914, as well as the difficulties the U.S. had in maintaining such a policy prior to its entry into the war in 1917. What do you think the outcome of the Great War would have been if the U.S. did not get involved? Answer: US remained impartial during WWI, primarily, due to the impartiality policy which had been adopted by the US against the Europeans. US had a strong European Market due to which it did not participate in the European War. US adopted the policy mainly because of the business markets it had established over there. The main objective wa s to keep the business going with Europe, since; it included a great deal of money. However, Germany and UK created troubles which had resulted in lost cargo and blockades of ships as well as several ships being damaged. Thus, when violence increased against the American Trade, America stepped into war and joined with the Allies. US would have remained neutral if there was no trade policy, nevertheless, the Germans started blocking and British men also blocked the German supplies in retaliation which affected US trade negatively. This is when the US decided to step in. 4. Why do you feel the New Deal was or was not successful in solving the problems of the Great Depression? Answer: The New Deal was not able to meet the objectives of freeing the country from unemployment and restoring the economic strength. The New Deal only had short term effects and was not sustainable. America got out of economic Trouble from WWII and the New Deal only helped in gaining momentum, however, the New Deal was a short term approach towards problem solving, moreover, there was no Long term planning involved in correcting the issues related to financial sector of the economy. New Deal helped in reviving the economy and production, as a result, consumption increased.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare and contrast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare and contrast - Assignment Example A recent study demonstrates that Latin American countries are lagging behind many of the world’s education system, as most students are unable to receive a higher education. In fact, only one in three students manage to receive a secondary school education, with many countries in developing nations such as Ecuador struggling to maintain funding for secondary teachers and schools. Another major problem is the high level of students who repeat a grade or who drop out of school before completing sixth grade. Rural areas face the challenge of many students having to work during harvesting season, further taking them away from school. However, it was stressed that the real problem for the region is not access to education, rather its poor quality. While the United States faces many deficiencies in education, including high drop-out rates in low income areas and relatively poor teacher quality, the base test scores indicate that the United States outscores most Hispanic countries. Yet, the similarities aren’t as striking as one might imagine, particularly when considering the structure of the systems. For instance, both share a similar University and Community College structure. The majority of Latin American countries also provide free and mandated primary and secondary education for all

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Overcoming Barriers to Adopting and Implementing Computerized Essay

Overcoming Barriers to Adopting and Implementing Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in U.S. Hospitals - Essay Example The central point of the study â€Å"Overcoming Barriers to Adopting and Implementing Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in U.S. Hospitals† by Poon et al. (2004) is that implementing a Computerized Physician Order Entry system (CPOE) is not easy because the costs are high, there is opposition from various quarters of the hospital, and there may be issues with vendors. Also institutions that do not give importance to quality care and patient safety may not even plan for a CPOE. The main finding of this study is that hospitals can overcome problems during the implementation of the CPOE by having strong leaders who can administer the CPOE, realigning the approach of improving patient safety through technology, and developing strong relationships with a vendor committed to meeting the needs of the hospital and providing a customized CPOE system to the hospital. Besides, hospitals implementing the CPOE without much support and motivation from the senior management are likel y to have various problems during implementation such as physician’s reluctance to use the system, lack of training for the users of the CPOE, and poor involvement in development. Currently, different CPOE vendors use different data processes for transmitting information, and these processes may have high development costs. Consequently, vendors are likely to pass on the costs to the customers, who in turn make it difficult for the smaller hospitals to afford and implement a CPOE System. Instead, if standard data protocols such as Health Level 7 (HL7 – An interational heatlh informatics standard for interoperability) were utilized in the CPOE, then vendors would not only find it easy to incorporate HL7 or other data protocols in their system, but also lower the costs of the CPOE system; in 2009 it was found that 30% of the healthcare budget was spent on redundancies including poor technologies (Doolan, 2009). Prior Research The Poon et al. research study finds three co nsiderations that hospitals should use when planning for implementation of the CPOE system. One consideration is the number of deaths from medication error is about 98000 per year; most of these errors are preventable. Leapfrog Group (a healthcare organization involved with patient safety, healthcare technologies and financing) has considered CPOE as one of the patient goals. The current CPOE adoption rate is about 5 to 10% (Poon et al., 2004). Poon has found that previous studies have described some of the challenges that may be applicable during implementation, but have not come up with solutions. This study tries to go further by providing solutions to these challenges. A need for CPOE was strongly felt when the death rate from medical error (in hospitals in New York) was about 98000 per annum a decade back; a good portion of these errors were preventable (Kohn, 1999, p. 1). By incorporating CPOE in the healthcare system, the chances of reducing the medical errors are about 55 %. ( Doolan et al., 2004). However, as of 2004, it was found that only 10 to 15% of the hospitals in the U.S. actually use CPOE systems, and many of the hospitals are unaware of the manner of addressing challenges that can arise during the implementation of the CPOE should be addressed (Ash, 2004). To understand in greater detail regarding CPOE’s implementation, in-depth interviews were organized with the management of about 26 hospitals in the US that were in various stages of the CPOE implementation. After organizing the interview, three barriers were identified. These included resistance to the CPOE implementation from certain quarters of the hospital, high costs of implementation, and lack of vendor or product maturity. Research Question The research question in Poon et al. (2004) is â€Å"What are the different barriers to the implementation of the CPOE system in the hospital and how can these problems is addressed?† The research aimed at finding ways to identify and tackle

Depatment of Veterans Affairs Essay Example for Free

Depatment of Veterans Affairs Essay The Department of Veterans Affairs is continuing to have many problems with many of the services that they offer. The service that has been impacted the most is the healthcare division, others such as vocational rehabilitation and the Post 9/11 GI Bill are not providing the proper outlets and support that the veterans are in need of. In recent months the VA has had many accountability problems with regard to patients even dying from lack of services. When these problems first came to light the Federal government investigated some of the problems and there was no accountability for the people that were not doing their jobs. There were also bonuses being given out when people were not doing their jobs. There have been many policy’s put in place such as Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014. This should help many of the problems that the VA is having in the healthcare division alone. The largest problem that they are currently having is a large backlog of patients just awaiting to be seen, as well as being understaffed for the amount of staff needed for the large amount of veterans now being seen. Recently the secretary of the VA, Eric Shinseki, resigned from his position and the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Sloan Gibson took his position for a short period until a new secretary could be chosen. The new Secretary of Veterans Affairs is Robert McDonald. He has proposed many different ways to help get veterans the benefits that they have been waiting for. The backlog is still over 750,000 veterans with almost one third of them still being from the backlog. Some of the more recent problems have been that the Department of Veterans Affairs has caught employees discarding, through burning and shredding, the files of some of the veterans that have applied for benefits. There are other plans being put into place, one by the President, and this is the Veterans Choice Card. This new program will allow veterans to visit other hospitals and doctors outside of the VA for treatment. The Veterans Affairs hospitals can only grow so much until they need help from outside sources to h elp take care of everyone that needs medical attention. There has been an Industry Day as the Veterans Affairs office has been calling it which is going to be for determining the costs for healthcare outside of the VA. The topics that will be covered in this are:Â  Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014 Backlog

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Karl Marx book Wage labour and capital

The Karl Marx book Wage labour and capital Written in 1847 by Karl Marx, the German philosopher, political economist and communist revolutionary,  Wage Labour and Capital is an in-depth text centered around the idea that labour power is sold to capitalists. The book was republished by Engels in 1891 as he believed specific changes needed to be made, specifically the distinction between labour and labour power' (1). Marx who was born in Trier Germany in 1818 (2), had a significant impact in developing ideas based around communism and socialism and published these ideas in various works. This specific piece focuses primarily on how a particular economy (capitalist) works, how those in a capitalist economy are exploited and ultimately how the relationship between capital and labour is dialectically self-destructive (Marx-Engels, pg. 203). In this essay, I will discuss exactly what Marx is trying to explain to us with regard to wage labour and capital, as well as demonstrate why he believes the capital system is flawed. Further more, I will provide my own personal view on the subject by explaining which ideas of Marx I agree and perhaps disagree with.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Marx immediately jumps into the discussion of wage labour by posing two basic questions, What are wages? and How are they determined? (Marx-Engels, pg 204). According to Marx, any worker(s) in a capitalist economy are ultimately selling their labour power to the capitalist for a specific sum of money. Marx uses the example of weaving a yard of linen or type-setting a printed sheet. The capitalist is in theory buying the labour power with money, while workers are selling labour power for money. It is clear, however, that the money that is given to the worker(s) by the capitalist could have been spent on any other available commodity, thus the labour power a worker offers is equivalent to any other commodity. As Marx explains in his example, the two marks, with which he bought two pounds of sugar, are the price of the two pounds of sugar. The two marks, with which he bought twelve hours use of labour power, are the price of twelve hours of labour (Marx-Engels, pg 204). In other wor ds, the workers labour power has been exchanged for an amount of commodities measured by money (1). Why is labour power sold by the worker(s) to the capitalist? It is simple, to be able to live! What Marx explains is the fact that the labour which workers engage in is basically the way in which they live their life. Thus, his life-activity is for him only a means to enable him to exist (Marx-Engels, pg 204). A worker must sell this labour in order to be able to live. Their work is what lets them live. The worker also does not reckon labor as a part of his life, it is rather a sacrifice of his life (Marx-Engels, pg 204). It is evident that Marx is trying to expose the fact that labour was not always wage labour, and that a slave did not sell his labour power to a slave owner ((Marx-Engels, pg 205). The concept of wage labour is the result of capitalism, where workers are free to choose whether or not they want to sell this labour power they posses to any willing capitalists who might be interested in buying. Likewise, capitalists have the free choice to fire workers when they believe profits are not being made. When one worker is worn out he can be replaced by another. I found this section extremely intriguing as Marx exposed me to new ideas that I had never considered prior to reading this piece. At first it was hard to comprehend, but I soon understood what he was trying to say. Originally, when I thought of someone working, thats all it was to me, someone working.   Now, however, I see the relationship between labour power and capital. I can see how Marx tries to show us that man is in essence capital and that the labour workers provide is essentially a commodity like all others. The goal of capitalists is to make the most profit possible while maintaining the lowest costs of production. They dont care about the workers, because they mean nothing. It is easy to mistake the fact that we think we need the capitalist when in reality, we are the ones who posse ss the skill and labour power, so ultimately it is he/she who needs us. Though it was somewhat challenging, I felt that Marx made this section extremely rewarding when understood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  In the proceeding section Marx goes into further depth with regard to capital. He explains that it consists of raw materials, instruments of labour and means of subsistence of all kinds, which are utilized in order to produce new raw materials, new instruments of labour and new means of subsistence. However, these components are merely creations of labour, product of labour, [and] accumulated labour. Accumulated labour which serves as a means of new production is capital (Marx-Engels, pg 207). Additionally, we learn that during production, men must interact between one another, exchanging their activities in order to produce something. Only once a definite connection and relation (Marx-Engels pg 207) has been established can their action of production actually occur.  Ã‚  We also learn that these social relations which are created between men constantly change over time with new innovations and developments to means of production. It is as if all components are intertwi ned, whereby social relations of production make up the social relations, society, and, specifically a society at definitive stage of historical development (Marx-Engels, pg 207). Therefore, any society at any specific point in time is displaying the stage of development by mankind. For example, the bourgeois society is responsible for the production relation that is capital. But what exactly is capital? Capital in itself must be the sum of all material products, commodities, exchange values, or social magnitudes.  Ã‚  So what exactly is happening when this capital grows? In other words, capital thrives solely on exchanging itself with wage labour. When capital goes up so does wage labour, and more wage workers are required, resulting in the capitalist to gaining more power over the worker(s).Growth of productive capital, therefore, means that the capitalists is gaining more power over the workers. Marx then goes on to question what will occur to wages when there is a growth of pr oduction capital. What he tells us here is that when productive capital increases, so does the accumulation of labour. As a result the number of capitals in enabled to increase creating more competition amongst them. This increased competition creates tension amongst to capitalists where one wants to be better then the other. One thing thats clear is when the power of labour armies increases, the capitalists has the ability to try and ruin his competitors. How can he do this? Its obvious, sell cheaper than your competitors. You must however find the balance where you can sell cheap enough without harming yourself, and Marx says this can be done by boosting the productive power of labour. Marx also makes it evident that by improving machinery one can create greater division of labour, which would result in increase productive power of labour. This is because there is more division amongst a larger labour force and more improved machinery, which causes the cost of production for the c apitalist to decrease. Thus, as Marx points out, a general rivalry arises among the capitalist to increase the division of labour and machinery and to exploit them on the greatest scale possible (Marx-Engels, pg 212). The question is what will happen according to Marx if this continues? We can conclude by saying that if capital continues to grow, then the competition between the worker(s) will also grow. However, the growth in competition experienced by the working class will be even larger than the rate of growth experienced by capital. After reading the next few sections, I soon realized that they were even more challenging and testing than the previous ones. Marx goes into such depth with regard to the relations between labour power and capital as well as all the components that make up capital. After reading it several times I soon understood how production was ultimately the relations built between men, whereby men had to come to terms by cooperating with one another in a certa in way and mutually exchanging their activities (Marxs-Engels, pg 207). Marx makes it clear that the capitalist goal is to try and increase their productive power as much as possible at whatever cost possible and figure they can do this by lowering all costs of production. This is something experienced every day. Companys attempting to gain market power by improving machinery to lower costs of production, so that they can sell what is being produced at the lowest possible price. It is also clear that workers have to compete with one another more and more. The capitalist doesnt care about the worker at all. We can see how Marx tries to explain how the capitalists are solely concerned with extending markets, but in doing so are contracting the world market as fewer and fewer new markets remain available for exploitation (Marx-Engels, pg 217). As a result he feels the whole system will come down and cave in on itself. To conclude, I felt this piece on wage labour and capital was extremely insightful. I was able to penetrate into the mind of Karl Marx and uncover his personal views on the capitalistic economy and the way in which he feels it is flawed. As he is a strong believer in the communistic ways, it is clear Marx is determined to expose why we mustnt follow the ways of other economies. Though I felt the work was somewhat demanding to understand, after reading it several times I slowly began to make the connections to what he was trying to say. Personally, I enjoyed learning how a strict communist views capitalism and why he thinks its a bad system.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Academia Barilla Essay -- Marketing, Food Industry

Born of the idea to preserve authentic Italian cuisine, Academia Barilla has faced strategic issues to increase profitability and growth. Offering not only high quality food products, but an education on Italian gastronomy, Academia relies on a differentiated marketing message of authenticity, with the quality to prove it. While striving to teach buyers of the difference between imitation and true Italian cuisine, Academia must continue to seek new strategies to reach a broader customer base. By studying the firm’s core competencies, and performing analysis on the industry, Academia has the tools necessary to meet their objectives. Academia Barilla’s consumers are still a specialized target, despite recent efforts for expansion and growth. For its gourmet foods product line, demographics of consumers in major markets tend to be upper middle to high class citizens of middle to older age. Italy represents the major market for Academia Barilla, with Europe and North America showing promising growth. However, recent severe economic troubles in Italy, Europe, and the United States are a major cause of concern and must be monitored. Regulatory bodies in the countries which market Academia Barilla do not tend to interfere with production. Current consumer trends for healthier, more organic products should be monitored. Whole-wheat and low-carbohydrate products have increased in demand during the past half-decade. Recent developments in the IT field have helped bring e-commerce to new heights. Finally, emerging economies in countries such as Brazil, China, India, and Russia may be targets for possible future hig h growth opportunities. Academia Barilla’s industry comprises of not only fine Italian cuisine artisans, but culinary academi... ...umers, thus gaining new consumer, and building value. Educating the consumers to appreciate what Academia products offer will lead to future profits and long-term gains. A strategy of stressing Italian fundamentals will help differentiate Academia from its competitors, and at the same time increasing their target market. Italian food is continually becoming more popular around the world, and Academia’s potential to expand will increase by protecting their brand loyalty. Academia should continue to participate in culinary events such as the annual Aspen Food and Wine Festival to promote publicity. Academia should also look to advertise in broader food magazines, such as Zagat. Cookbooks would be another way to reach more consumers. With high quality products, these strategy maneuvers will help management reinforce core competencies and stay ahead of competition.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Behaviorist, Psychodynamic and Humanistic Contributions to Psycholo

This essay will in turn look at the behaviorist, Psychodynamic, and Humanistic approaches to Psychology. It will evaluate the assumptions and contributions for each approach. Behaviorists emphasize the relationship between the environment surrounding a person and how it affects a person’s behavior. They are primarily concerned with observable behavior, as opposed to internal events like thinking and emotion. This is a criticism of the behaviorist approach; it is seen as mechanistic and oversimplified, because it ignores mental processes or reinterprets them as just types of behavior. John Watson saw emotions as the secretion of glands and thinking as the movement of our vocal chords without actual speech. However studies have been carried out and it has been found that people can still think even when their vocal chords are paralyzed. Behaviorists make the assumption that in humans; virtually all behaviors are caused by learned relationships between a stimulus that excites the sense organs and a response which is the reaction to the stimulus. John Watson was strongly influenced by the work of Pavlov on classical conditioning. Pavlov trained dogs to salivate whenever he rang a bell. An unconditioned Stimulus (the bell) leads to an unconditioned Response (salivation). When the unconditioned stimulus is paired with another Stimulus (food), this stimulus will eventually produce the response on its own and is then called the conditioned stimulus which produces a Conditioned response. Behaviorists propose that phobias come about in a similar way, for example, somebody who is spider-phobic, might have learned to be scar... ... This essay has evaluated the assumptions and contributions of the behaviourist, psychodynamic and humanistic approaches to psychology. The behaviourist approach focuses on the behaviour of people and seeks to explain behaviour as being learnt. The psychodynamic and humanist approaches are more concerned with the emotional aspects of people’s lives rather than their behaviour. The psychodynamic approach places importance on childhood experience. The humanist approach places more emphasis on the importance of our self image. Bibliography Basic Psychology by Henry Gleitman (First Edition) Psychology, third edition by Cardwell, Clark and Meldrum Psychology – A New Introduction by Richard Gross, Rob McIlveen, Hugh Coolicun, Alan Clamp and Julia Russell (Twelfth Edition) Class lectures and handouts

Friday, October 11, 2019

Speaking Through the Movement of Dance.

Speaking Through the Movement of Dance Summary: Many people think of dance as human communication at its most basic level. Some form of dance can be found in every culture, regardless of its location or stage of development. It is easy to see that dance is a natural, universal human activity. But what most people overlook to see is that dance can be found as a form of writing just like any other genre out there. So this explains how and why dance is a form of writing, and goes specially into choreographed dancing and how routines are a part of writing. What’s the first thing that pops in your head when you think about dance or dancing?That its form of writing right? WRONG! When thinking about dance or dancing the first thing most people think about is shaking their butts across the dance floor while grooving to the latest jams. But what most people don’t realize is that dance is a form of writing, weird right? I would of never guessed that either, until I went on a rece nt trip back to Chicago, and one of my best friends invited me to a dance performance at her school, not only was the show very entertaining. I learned that dance is more than moving to the rhythm of the beat to your favorite song, but that dance tells a story.Which most people don’t realize. Dance routines are very unique and explore states of mind and feelings such as pleasure and pain. I’ve heard people who like to dance mention things like dancing is form art and writing. They say some people dance to express their feelings and emotions. Other people dance to feel better, but dance can be used to tell a story. As if it is a language or written in a book. It utilizes many of the elements that can be found in other forms of writing and genres like tattooing’, graffiti, Facebook post and many more.But what is dance really? You +1'd this publicly. UndoDance is when people move to a musical rhythm. They may be alone, or in a group. The dance may be an informal pl ay, part of a ritual, or part of a professional performance. There are many kinds of dance, and every human society has its dances. Dances may be planned in detail, or they may be whatever dancers feel like doing. However, most dancing does follow some general style or pattern. Dance takes as its subject matter moving visual patterns, feelings, states of mind, and narrative, in various combinations.The form of the dance, the details and the parts as they work together to organize the structure, gives us insight into the subject matter. However, the details, the parts, and the structure are not as easily perceived as they are in painting, sculpture, or writing. Because when in dance you have to pay very close attention to the little details and follow and feel what the dancers are doing. In this article I want to take a closer look only on choreographed dancing and how it’s a form of writing because the word choreography literally means â€Å"dance-writing†. Choreograph y is not just stringing together steps and figures.That's boring. When choreographing a dance you need to first ask yourself why the audience is there. What do they want to see? What would interest them? Why should they like your piece? Or even if they don't like it, how will it impact them. What will hold their attention at each moment? Keep your audience in mind during every step of your design. Just like an author when writing a book or any writing you still need to follow the same kind of steps in order for people to recognize and acknowledge your work because no one wants to read a boring book nor want to see a boring dance. hat’s why practice makes perfect. Writing, obviously, is my favorite form of expression. It allows me to dance with words, spin with anecdotes and tap out my frustrations. Just like dancing, it is not always easy or a graceful performance. Sometimes I falter, fall, miss a step and tap off beat. I sweat a lot when I’m on deadline and I doubt my abilities when the task is difficult. But at other times, my words gracefully fly off the page like a ballerina mastering a leap. When I keep trying and practicing, the steps get easier and encourage me to keep dancing along.I can also express myself as a writer, expanding my repertoire with different styles. Just as dancers switch from tap and ballet to hip hop and jazz, writers also strengthen their skills and express themselves by varying the tone, organization and style. When I’m frustrated, I tap out an opinion piece to persuade my audience. When I’m happy, I compile a light-hearted narrative or anecdotal piece. When I’m feeling sassy, I throw a little attitude into a blog post and quite often, I spruce up my wording to jazz up an article. In reality, writers are dancers at heart.We sway to the words, we feel the meaning we wish to express and we type to a rhythm with every piece. And sometimes, we pop, lock and drop it just for fun. Work Cited Page: †Å"Dance. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2012 â€Å"What Is Dance to You? † Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! , n. d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. â€Å"What Is Choreography? † What Is Choreography? N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson,. â€Å"Dance. † Dance. N. p. , n. d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012 Unknown. â€Å"Dance Quotes. † Dance Quotes. N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lord of the Flies Paper Essay

What is stronger savagery or civilization? The human has two desires that conflict with each other: to live by civilization and to live by savagery. The civilized impulse we have is to live peacefully, morally, and by rules and laws. The savage characteristic we have is to act violently, using force to gain authority and power over others. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, symbolism and figurative language links the clash of civilization and savagery with a group of boy are stranded on an island. William Golding inserts symbolism into his story Lord of the Flies to elaborate on savagery vs. civilization. For example, at the beginning of the story civilization is still intact, â€Å"That’s what the shell’s called. I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he is speaking,† (33). Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell on the beach and decide to use it for organization and order. The conch soon becomes a symbol of civilizati on as the shell effectively governs the boy’s meetings. The boys create a society on the island, â€Å"The twins, Sam ‘n Eric were the first to get a likely log but they could do nothing till Ralph, Jack, Roger and Maurice found room for a hand-hold,† (39). The relationship develops between the older and younger boys when the older ones and leaders and the younger ones are followers. The younger boys emphasize the older boy’s connection with civilization savagery. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding also introduces figurative language when describing the conflict of savagery and civilization. A type of figurative language, such as foreshadowing, is utilized, â€Å"It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep quiet and leave the deciding things to the rest of us,† (102).The foreshadowing of the possible dictatorship presents itself in this quote. Jack’s violent actions and words dictate the boys and without conch savagery has come about. For instance Golding creates a metaphor, â€Å"The sun was right and the danger had faded with the darkness,† (108). The reassurance and relaxation come back with the dark and the night. The metaphor establishes that when the darkness approaches the danger disappears because essentially the savages are sleeping. The central concern of Lord of the Flies is the conflict between two competing urges that exist within all human beings: to act peacefully or violently. In the end, civilization can quickly turn to savagery. People’s actions, words and beliefs can turn any situation into a bad one or a savage one. Savagery vs. civilization is in everyday life and it is the way we handle things that decides how society works.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Is black cohosh a safe and effective substitute for hormone Article

Is black cohosh a safe and effective substitute for hormone replacement therapy - Article Example She tries to evaluate if black cohosh is an effective and safe substitute for hormone replacement therapy. According to the facts presented in the editorial, it is rather palpable that approximately 85% of women in the world experience night sweats and hot flashes, which are closely associated with menopause. These symptoms are triggered by the hormones in the body of the individual. Research asserts that black cohosh is a herb that is used to deal with vasomotor symptoms as a substitute for the hormone replacement therapy. The herb is widely used in the United States and Europe (Becker, Letham & Stoehr, 2009). However, black cohosh has numerous side effects to the women. As stated above, there are several inconsistencies that have been associated with the use of black cohosh. Some of these discrepancies are related to the dosing and side effects of the drug. Some of the complications that are able to result from the use of black cohosh include hepatitis, muscle damage and liver failure among other conditions. Several experts have critically evaluated the efficacy of the black cohosh for the vasomotor symptoms (Becker, Letham & Stoehr, 2009). In the clinical trials, there were several adverse effects of the drug to the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Risk Mangement and Worker Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Mangement and Worker Protection - Essay Example Risk management involves procedures and measures that can be used to minimize or eliminate effects arising from risk. Risk management takes shape through certain various steps such as identifying the peril, analyzing and structuring methods toEvery business faces risks some which expose the business but they are controllable and predictable. Others are hard to control or to predict thus leading to uncertainty in operations of the business. Determining risk and controlling it is one of the most essential factors in risk management. Outlining certain measures and practices assists the organization to control risk if it is controllable or devising strategies to recover from loss due to unpredictable and uncertain risk. The management should ensure that proper measures are put in place to eliminate or reduce the effects of risk in the organization (Hopwood and Thompson, 2006). According to Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), health care and precaution measures should be i nstalled in the workplace to reduce effects of risk if it occurs. This means that risks such as epidemics should be reduced by application of measures that can reduce the spread of the condition if it occurs. For instance, if an epidemic like influenza occurs in the work place, the health care team should be quick to detect and suspect the pandemic from the patient. This should be followed by immediate healthcare delivery to the patient and placing the patient in an enclosed place to avoid spread.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Organized Crime Gangs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organized Crime Gangs - Essay Example It is termed as outlaw because such organizations are not registered with the AMA or the American Motorcyclist Association and hence do not adhere to AMA rules and regulations. A new member is admitted after being properly vetted and must swear loyalty to the club. The OMG chosen for this paper is the Bandidos Motorcycle Club that is one percenter- type of club, meaning it essentially considers itself an outlaw organization. It was started by Mr. Don Chambers in San Leon, Texas of the United States of America back in 1966 and has now expanded to several countries worldwide (, 2014). It is considered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as an outlawed motorcycle gang as it engages in organized crime activities such as dealing in illegal drugs to raise additional funds in additional to members contributions, fees, and dues. It has 90 chapters in the U.S.A., another 90 in Europe, and still 17 chapters in Australia; in total, its members reach an estimated 2,400 people in 210 chapters in 22 countries. The distinguishing patch consists of a cartoon character (side view) wearing the large iconic Mexican hat and carrying both a gun and a sword. They moved later to Corpus Christi, Texas and then still later to Houston, Texas. There is a gang problem in the United States but not of motorcycle gangs; rather problem gangs are real criminals engaged mostly in illegal

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Describe and Evaluate the Circumstances in Which a Term may be Implied Essay

Describe and Evaluate the Circumstances in Which a Term may be Implied Into a Contract - Essay Example In some occasions the courts will read a term into the contract even though there has been no agreement. This could happen where the contract would not make sense if the term were not included. Implied terms can be implied by statute or by the courts. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 demonstrates how implied terms are used in contract formation. S12 of this Act implies that the person selling the goods has a legal right to sell those goods. Similarly s13 implies that the goods will correspond to the description if the goods have been advertised in a newspaper or catalogue. There is an implied term regarding the satisfactory quality of the goods under s14. It was decided by the court in Benfield (t/a Autoroute Circuits) v Life Racing Ltd [2007]1 that there was no implied guarantee that a particular outcome would be achieved. The court also found that there was no evidence to prove that the defendant was relying on the plaintiff for such a guarantee. Similarly the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 also have terms which are implied into the contract. Within that Act there is an implication that the services will be carried out with reasonable skill and care, within a reasonable time and for a reasonable price. In the past the courts have allowed claims under this Act where the goods have been of unsatisfactory quality, where the order has been delivered late or where the price is deemed to be unreasonable. In Walker Crisps Stockbrokers Ltd v Savill [2007]2 the court found that there had been a breach of an implied term of the contract that the broker would carry out his duties with reasonable skill and care. However in the case of Evans v Kosmar Villa Holiday Plc [2007]3 the court of appeal overturned the original ruling that there was an implied term that the holiday company would exercise reasonable skill and care in the provision of facilities and service at the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How dialysis treatment for kidney failure relies on an understanding Essay

How dialysis treatment for kidney failure relies on an understanding of the principles of diffusion - Essay Example Maher states that an infection or physical injury to the kidneys can affect the dialyzing ability of the kidneys. A malfunction of the human kidneys can lead to the accumulation of poisonous molecules such as urea in blood (Maher, 1989). A toxic level of urea in blood is fatal. A dialyzing machine works like the kidneys. The difference between a dialysing machine and the human kidneys is the reverse dialysis, which returns small molecules like glucose to the body. The natural kidneys perform endocrine function, which is not possible in the dialysis machine (Maher, 1989). Chung Lee (2006) explains that dialysis is a short-term treatment option to sustain the lives of patients waiting for a kidney transplant. In 2006, research showed that in the globally there were over 1 million patients dependent on dialysis. In the United States 506,256, citizens were under dialysis treatment. In the United Kingdom data from the UK renal registry indicated that around 45, 484 adults were under dialysis treatment. There are two dialysis procedures available for patients experiencing renal problems: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis involves pumping the patient’s blood through an artificial dialysis membrane present in the dialysis machine. The waste products in the patient’s blood diffuse through the membrane to the dialysate. This movement occurs due to the presence of a concentration gradient between the two media. In peritoneal dialysis, the peritoneum in the abdominal cavity works as the dialysis membrane. The peritoneum has a dense capillary network, which makes it a suitable media for the dialysis procedure. The dialysate is pumped to the abdominal cavity via a catheter. In peritoneal dialysis, toxic substances diffuse to the dialysate through the blood capillaries semi permeable membrane (Maher, 1989). Cheng explains that a patient can self-administer peritoneal dialysis.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Essays by American Minorities Essay Example for Free

Essays by American Minorities Essay 1. The Age of White Guilt by: Shelby Steele In this essay written by African American Shelby Steele, he tells of the hard times of his people. He leads the reader through his experiences in the civil rights movement and compares the life of an African American in the 1960’s and one in the present day. He writes that African Americans today would have to use ever ounce of their intelligence and imagination to find reasons for them not to succeed in today’s society. He goes on to say that African Americans use the harm done for them in the past and try to use it as guilt for the white Americans. It goes on to explain the importance in fighting for a cause in a group and not breaking off as individuals. 2. I’m Black, your white, who’s innocent? By: Shelby Steele In this essay by Shelby Steele, he tells about the inequality of blacks even in today’s society. I think it also shows the tenderness in the subject of racism and inequality even today. He also writes of how he used to use white liability against white Americans and how it gave him much guilt. He also tells how young African Americans still blame racial problems to be the motivation of many things done by African Americans. He says that an African American that points out white shame is showing power and that when whites respond with silence that that is also a gesture of power. He ends with saying that that whites and blacks truly fear the sacrifices that come with total racial harmony. 3. I hated Tonto by: Sherman Alexie In this essay written by Native American Sherman Alexie, he points out the racial stereotypes that accompany the Native Americans that were given to them by America and the rest of the world. He tells of how he used to accept the racial stereotypes of his people when he was a kid but now he understands how embarrassing the stereotypes were. 4. Why don’t we complain by: William Buckley This essay by William Buckley tells of the difficulties of society and how, instead of taking action when we are mistreated, we just stand by and let the violators have their way. It also tells of how people often wait on others to take action instead on doing so themselves. He says this is because we are afraid to make our voices heard and afraid that someone will get their feelings hurt. He also says that when we do complain, we shouldn’t do so in a calm voice like you are scared but in a bold, demanding voice that lets the person know that you mean business. He says that Americans are not comfortable taking actions in difficult situations because we live in an age of technology where we rely on machines and computers to do things for us, but in earlier times, if we needed something we got up and did it. 5. Just Walk on By by: Brent Staples This essay written by Brent Staples tells of the first time the author experienced a negative reaction from someone just because he was black. He tells of how he noticed signs of fear when people saw him and realized that most of Chicago’s rapists and muggers were black and that his appearance could cause fear. He tells of how society tells us that we should be tough and shouldn’t back down and how some young men take this literally and get into trouble. Essays on the Use and Power of English 1. Politics in the English Language by: George Orwell This essay written by George Orwell tells of the inaccurate and misuse of the English language in today’s society. He says that instead of â€Å"foolish thoughts† coming from language, language comes from foolish thoughts. He also says that metaphors and other types of figurative language used today do not lead to concrete ideas. He says that vagueness is the most common characteristic of the English language. 2. How English is Evolving into a Language we might not understand by: Michael Erard This essay by Michael Erard tells of how the English language is being used in many other countries including China but is not being thoroughly explained which leads to misuse of words and different pronunciations. He tells of how China and other Asian countries are making changes to the languages such as pronunciation of vowels and words. He also says that Asians will introduce tone to the English language which means if a word is pronounced with a different tone it means a different word. He tells the reader that there is nothing wrong with the language and it is just as proper as any other English and that it might even be more efficient. 3. Do Our Writers Abuse the English Language? by: Dr. Rossiter Johnson This essay written by Dr. Rossiter Johnson tells of the criticism from our cousins the English against American writers. It tells of how the British criticism is accompanied by their idea of our ignorance. It tells that the British believe that there is no way that American writers can possibly improve when it comes to proper use of the English language. Johnson then points out some British writers that have misused the language such as Grey and Dean Alford. He tells of the words of Sydney Smith, a British critic that said who reads American books? Who goes to an American play? Who looks at an American picture or statue? Who sleeps in American blankets? What do we owe to American surgeons and physicians? He responds to these words by telling of how Americans have surpassed these accomplishments and have proved Smith wrong. 4. Importance of English in India by: Rajesh Mohan. This essay by Rajesh Mohan is about the role of the English language in India and how it is the language that bonds all the other languages together in the Indian sub continent. The reason English bonds these regions together is because everyone understands it and so that makes it a common language to everyone. It also tells of how English is good for countries who are trying to expand and grow and that Indians recommend other countries to learn English. 5. How English Became a Global Language by: Jennifer Claerr This essay by Jennifer Claerr tells how English has become one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. She says it is mostly because of its effectiveness. She says that the other reason the world is comfortable with English is because it uses a Romanic alphabet which is easier for Easterners to grasp than other alphabets. The English language is used heavily in television, movies, products, ads, and everything else that many non native speakers feel that they should learn it. So in conclusion this is the reason that English has over 1 billion speakers both native and non native.