Sunday, October 20, 2019

Audrey essays

Audrey essays Title:''Life Is One Big Long Catwalk''. Madame Toastmaster , Madame Topicsmaster and fellow students. ''Life Is One Big Long Catwalk''. As endorsed by the Clarks' Footwear advertisements , this line has become synonymous with modern society , in a world ruled predominantly by image. In my speech to - day I would like to discuss the ambivalent nature of image and beauty in society , as well as providing an insight into a great idol of mine who possessed this ambivalence throughout her life and career - Audrey Hepburn. I don't think that anybody could doubt it , you or I , beauty is a virtue. It always has been , as far back as the time of Venus , the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. But it seems like to - day only physical beauty is taken into account. This type of beauty is a matter of chance. In fact it is amatter of fate whether you turn out to be physically beautiful or not. This type of beauty is impure , doesn't come from the heart. And who are we to try and describe what exactly physical beauty is? Everybody has different facial features , different shapes and sizes and diferent statures. It is all a matter of preference and taste. There is excrutiating pressure being applied on both sexes nowadays to look good and to conform to the media's idea of beauty. Every week of the year we see emaciated models walk the catwalk , wasted away by their starvation and malnourishment , yet snapped up by the paparazzi and considered ''beautiful''. The role of image , branding and beauty is obviously a huge talking point in modern society , as my sister managed to do a 20 page thesis on this Topic for her degree in Graphic Design. And besides , most of us do feel beaut...

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