Thursday, January 23, 2020

Napoleon a Hero Essay -- History

Napoleon a Hero Hero A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially One who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a patriotic and passionate man. He was a military genius who indelibly stamped his personality on an era. His theories about waging war, his conduct of campaigns, and battlefield tactics all became benchmarks for military commanders throughout the 19th century and today. â€Å"If I shall be defeated here this day it would be by the greatest general in the modern world† (Field Marshall Lord Wellington cited in Vandalia 1963:78) "There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind." (Napoleon Bonaparte cited in Vandalia, 1963: title page). Napoleons men were always clothed properly and were payed generously. Napoleon was a natural public speaker and had an excellent power of persuasion. Bonaparte was a very intelligent man who believed wars are won by precise planning. Napoleons Empire spread through most of Europe and for the first few years of his reign he did this with ease. He treated his men as human beings, not as lesser beings like his English opponent. First Paragraph Napoleon started his military career as a junior officer in the French artillery; he was well noted for his commitment to his duty and his efficiency in his work. Bonaparte was a passionate man who always put his own life on the line if h...

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